#################################################### # Ian Robinson # requesting 6 days, at minimum=4 days # beamline 34ID-C, Nanowire coherent diffraction # instrument 34ID-C coherent #################################################### # top:/home/www/beamtime-requests/req00969.txt # UNICAT Member Beam Time Request #969 # created Mon Apr 24 22:11:21 CDT 2006 #################################################### apsrun: 2006-02 beamline: 34ID-C collaboration: Yes contact: i.robinson@ucl.ac.uk days: 6 description: Samples are being synthesized by a number of groups that will be brought to APS for characterization by CXD. So far we have had limited success with BTO and Si NWs and need a dedicated perion to refine the measurement method. Resonant scattering at the Ga and As K-edges will be needed for some of the samples. equipment_required: KB mirrors required experiment: Nanowire coherent diffraction foreign_nationals: Piotr Gryko, UCL hazards: none instrument: 34ID-C coherent instrument_other: minimumdays: 4 name: Ian Robinson nonmembers: Piotr Gryko, UCL submit: Submit unacceptable_dates: outside the period june 20 to july 15 will be impossible due to travel from UK z34ID_change_undulator: yes z34ID_details: Occasional energy changes (no scanning) will be needed to access K-edges of Ga, Ge and As. THis should not cause much interference on 34-ID-E z34ID_parasitic: no #REMOTE_HOST: pool-71-249-17-160.nycmny.east.verizon.net #REMOTE_ADDR: #CONTENT_LENGTH: 957 #HTTP_REFERER: http://www.uni.aps.anl.gov/admin/unireq.html #HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0